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In these difficult times, it is crucial that you stay strong and stay motivated, you will be surprised to find that nothing can stand in your way.

- Cooper J.

CoopeR & Duchenne

When Cooper was 5 years old he was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, aka DMD. It is a progressive muscle-wasting disorder. There is no cure or treatment.

After dealing with the shock, pain, and anger, we began our Duchenne journey. Over the years we've gotten involved with several Duchenne organizations and have met many other families, doctors and scientists. Together with our friends and family, we began running marathons and climbing mountains to help raise awareness and funds to help find a cure.


By the age of sixteen, Cooper began needing a wheelchair full time.

He also discovered his love of making music, and that he's good at it. This has saved his spirit.

He is now twenty-one years old and beating the odds.  He graduated from high school with honors in 2020, is now attending college and has written and recorded several songs and started a rock band,


Fortunately, over the last several years, new treatments are beginning to look like a reality. We are hopeful that something might come in time to help keep the rest of his body strong, to help him continue making music!  Please help us keep him rockin'!


Thanks so much for your support!


Scott and Cathy Jones (Cooper's parents)

- Cooper J.

 I slowly brushed against each string, I was shocked to hear a beautiful sound ring out. It felt as though I had performed some sort
of magic, a feeling I had never felt before.

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Everyone has been through difficult situations that may have seemed impossible to overcome. In these difficult times, it is crucial that you stay strong and stay motivated, you will be surprised to find that nothing can stand in your way.

- Cooper J.

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